Parents » Parents


We believe parents are children’s primary teachers and our greatest partner in education. Our goal is to have a strong home and school relationship that enhances students learning.

In order to better serve parents, the Catholic Partnership Schools have created the Family Engagement Programs.

Parent-Teacher Association
St. Joseph Pro-Cathedral School has a very active Parent-Teacher Association. Parents come together each month to plan events, participate in fundraisers, and discuss their children’s education. 

Family Support Coordinator, Grades K-5
Research shows that students learn and achieve more when parents are engaged in their child’s education. The K-5 Family Support Coordinator, a bi-lingual staff member, will provide counseling, consultation, support and follow-up services to students and their families and implement a seamless program that promotes family engagement and a more positive and effective home and school partnership.

Graduate Family Support Coordinator, Grades 6-8, with high school follow-up
In addition to continuing the family engagement efforts developed in the earlier grades, the Graduate and Family support worker provide key services and educational supports to assist our students – and their families − in the transition to and successful completion of high school. Included, for example, will be writing, study skills, financial aid, and use of technology workshops; information open houses; application process management; meetings with parents, mentors, administrators and guidance counselors; summer jobs and volunteering opportunity exploration, to name just a few.

Extensive 9th grade academic and behavioral follow-up and data monitoring will also be a large part of this effort. In both family support functions, we will track participation, monitor effectiveness, and evaluate outcomes.